Sunday, September 8, 2024

History of Edmonton University of Information Technology (NAIT)

IT specialists are the real creators of the new reality. That is why it is a profession that more and more people dream of mastering. Just like all over the world, there are universities in Edmonton that allow people to become IT professionals. One such university is NAIT. Read more about how it was founded and other interesting facts in the article on edmonton-future.

History of NAIT 

The acronym translates as the Northern Alberta Institute of Technology. In 1959, the Alberta government decided to build an institution in Edmonton to complement the apprenticeship and professional training provided at the same time by another institution in Calgary.

Construction of the University of Edmonton began in the winter of 1962. In the fall of that year, a group of 29 communication electrician students enrolled in the first class. The NAIT institution officially opened in the spring of 1963 under the leadership of Prime Minister Ernest Manning. The first graduation from the institution took place in 1965.

From its founding until 1982, it was run by the Alberta government, after which the responsibility for the institution shifted to the 16-member Board of Governors.

What Does the University Offer Students?

NAIT offers 74 full-time programs, including 35 apprenticeship programs, as well as over 1,200 programs and continuing education courses in career fields such as business, IT, engineering technology, health sciences, trades and industrial technology. After one year, a student receives a certificate upon completion of the courses, and after two years, a person receives a diploma to pursue employment opportunities.

NAIT has many programs that are continually funded by the province, and all programs are designed based on new technologies. Because of this, professionals directly meet the requirements and needs of employers. People can study or undergo advanced training at the institution.

It is worth noting that at NAIT, people from around the world can gain knowledge and a profession. The institution has approximately 17,000 full-time students, and it receives 42,000 applications for advanced training and continuing education yearly.

NAIT Student Association and Journal 

The association is made up of students and is led by an elected Executive Board of four people. The association is active in developing new technologies to improve student life.

Additionally, the institution has its magazine, Techlifetoday, which publishes discoveries, technologies and innovations. It was first released in 2007 as a print magazine and later expanded to the online realm. As of 2018, the print edition was discontinued, and publications are now exclusively online.

Some Interesting Facts About NAIT 

NAIT is at the forefront of developing training programs in collaboration with IT PhDs. All programs are designed to meet the needs of future workplaces. Notably, the institution was the first to develop portfolios to validate programs against industry standards, which were quickly adopted by other institutions in Canada.

The institution also assists students in developing national competency standards for applied science and entry-level engineering technologists.

NAIT was the first technical institute in Alberta to actively participate in the National Research Council’s Industrial Research Assistance Program. They developed projects to support small and medium-sized businesses in Canada, enabling them to leverage the scientific and engineering expertise available at government laboratories, research centers and other institutions.

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